Branding Fallacies

9 Fallacies of Branding

Though we live in a branded world, there are still major misperceptions about what branding really is, and how a brand performs to build a business. Brands are a blend of science and creativity. For the most part, companies ignore the science.

Here are 9 Fallacies of Branding heard from clients, and a “3RT Solutions” (3RT) response.

Fallacy #1: I’ve/We’ve Been In Business A Long Time – My Customers Know What We Stand For.

3RT: Show us your data. Because we bet they don’t. If we talk to 10 customers about you, we will get 10 different answers. We will. We know this because we’ve never done a brand project where customers responded how executives thought they would respond. Some of the customer responses you won’t like. And most likely, what they actually think of you isn’t quite (or at all) what you’d like them to think of you.

Brand Reputation

Why Brand Reputation Is Important for Small Businesses

As you attract attention for your brand and start to build recognition, then you start to create a reputation, be it online or through personal interactions. Brand reputation is crucial for your business – it covers everything from customer interactions, product or service standard, and customer feedback.


4 Fundamentals Of Business Branding

Utilizing these branding fundamentals can lead to success. Your strategies must be aligned with all aspects of your business, to get the best results.

3RT Solutions Brand Board

Brand With Vision – Create Your Brand Board

Your brand board is the road map of your brand that comes with instructions on how to implement each brand element. The key to a successful brand is strategic thought-provoking concepts and images that clearly articulate the embodiment of your brand. The best way to organize and visualize these concepts and images is by creating a brand board.

We Have Created A Free Brand Board Template To Help Get You Started

How Do You Write A Good Brand Story?

How Do You Write A Good Brand Story?

Your brand story should differentiate you from everyone else. Telling your unique brand story starts with these questions:

Branding Mistakes

10 Branding Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make

When you are growing your own business, every branding mistake you make is costly Here are 10 costly branding mistakes that I have seen entrepreneurs make.